Source code for rawsocketpy.socket

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import
import socket
import select
import struct
import time
from .packet import RawPacket
from .util import get_hw, to_str, protocol_to_ethertype, to_bytes

[docs]class RawSocket(object): """RawSocket is using the socket library to send raw ethernet frames, using socket.RAW_SOCK It has a similar API to the socket library: send/recv/close/dup. """ BROADCAST = b"\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff" """:description: Default MAC address: ``"\\xff\\xff\\xff\\xff\\xff\\xff"``"""
[docs] def __init__(self, interface, protocol, sock=None, no_recv_protocol=False): """ :param interface: interface to be used. :type interface: str :param protocol: Ethernet II protocol, RawSocket [1536-65535] :type protocol: int :param socket: Socket to be used (default None), if not given, a new one will be created. :type socket: socket.socket :param no_recv_protocol: If true (default False), the socket will not subscribe to anything, recv will just block. :type no_recv_protocol: bool """ if not protocol < 0xFFFF: raise ValueError("Protocol has to be in the range 0 to 65535") self.no_recv_protocol = no_recv_protocol self.non_processed_protocol = protocol self.protocol = socket.htons(protocol) self.ethertype = protocol_to_ethertype(protocol) self.interface = interface self.mac = get_hw(self.interface) """:description: Source MAC address used for communications - could be modified after initialization :type: str/bytes/bytearray""" if no_recv_protocol: self.sock = self.sock_create(self.interface, 0, sock) else: self.sock = self.sock_create(self.interface, self.protocol, sock) self.close = self.sock.close
[docs] def dup(self): """Duplicates the RawSocket """ return RawSocket(self.interface, self.non_processed_protocol, self.sock.dup(), self.no_recv_protocol)
[docs] @staticmethod def sock_create(interface, protocol, sock=None): if sock is None: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, protocol) sock.bind((interface, 0)) return sock
[docs] def send(self, msg, dest=None, ethertype=None): """Sends data through the socket. :param msg: Payload to be sent :type msg: str/bytes/bytearray :param dest: recipient such as ``"\\xff\\x12\\x32\\x34\\x41"`` or ``bytes([1,2,3,4,5,6])``. It will broadcast if no given default(None) :type dest: str/bytes/bytearray :param ethertype: Allow to send data using a different ethertype using the same socket. Default is the protocol given in the constructor. :type ethertype: str/bytes/bytearray """ if ethertype is None: ethertype = self.ethertype if dest is None: dest = self.BROADCAST payload = to_bytes(dest, self.mac, ethertype, msg) self.sock.send(payload)
[docs] def recv(self): """Receive data from the socket on the protocol provided in the constructor Blocks until data arrives. A timeout can be implemented using the socket timeout. :rtype: RawPacket """ data = self.sock.recv(1024) return RawPacket(data)
def __str__(self): return self.interface